- 'ip options drop' can be configured from global config mode to drop all IP options
- Enable webvpn
- webvpn
- port 443
- enable outside
- tunnel-group-list enable
- svc image flash:/anyconnect.img
- svc enable
- Set the tunnel-protocol to svc under group policy
- Enable webvpn for the tunnel group
- tunnel-group SSLVPN webvpn-attributes
- group-alias SSLVPN enable
- authentication aaa
- If necessary, create local user and attach to group
- username SSLUSER attributes
- group-lock value SSLVPN
- Set encryption
- ssl encryption rc4-md5
- Lastly, enable NAT exemption if required
- Interesting point, I created my tunnel interfaces first, then I was going to protect them with IPSec, but my CA enrollment kept failing. If I shutdown the tunnel interfaces, and then enroll, it works just fine. Could be a code thing, I'm not sure.
- Remember timers are negotiated - so if you already have a isakmp policy, you will not need to create another just for different timers.
- Set configure level privilege commands with 'privilege configure all level 7 snmp-server'
- aaa authorization config-commands
- Required to autorize config mode, even if you set 'aaa authorization commands 7 default start-stop group tacacs'
Process Monitoring
- You can alert on processor and memory usage
- memory free low-watermark processor 5000
- process cpu threshold type total rising 75 interval 60 falling 30 interval 60
- snmp-server enable traps cpu
- snmp-server enable traps memory
- logging host transport tcp
Login Security
- login quiet-mode access-class 1
- This exempts the hosts in ACL 1 from the login parameters
- login parameters are only supported with local password auth or aaa
Source Tracking
- ip source-track [address] - enables source tracking for the specified host
- show ip source-track [address] - show results
- specify the IPS signature location
- ip ips config location flash:ips
- Enable IOS basic set of signatures
- ip ips signature-category
- category ios_ips basic
- retired false
- category all
- retired true
- Disable a specific signature
- ip ips signature-definition
- signature 3106 0
- status
- retired true
- Tune Signature
- ip ips signature-definition
- signature 2000 0
- alert-severity high
- Enable SDEE event report
- ip ips notify SDEE
- Set TVR
- ip ips event-action-rules
- target-value high target-address
- Enable IPS
- ip ips name IPS list IPS
- int s1/0
- ip ips IPS in
- Show ips configuration
- show ip ips configuration
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