Moving on, here are some of my notes and pointers from the IPExpert CoD
- spanning-tree vlan x forward-time sec to reduce ST convergance time
- frame-relay map bridge [dlci] to enable FR bridging.
- On 3550, bridge protocol vlan-bridge instead of protocol ieee
- macro name [name] to define macro, macro apply [name] under interface to apply macro.
- backbonefast used to enable fast switchover to alternate RP
- spanning-tree link-type point-to-point is SP macro for host ports
- spanning-tree mst configuration to enter MST configuration mode.
- mst will always have a default instance 0 for unassigned vlans
- mac access-list extended [name] for defining mac ACL
- vlan access-map functions just like a route-map.
- vlan filter [map name] vlan-list [vlans] to apply vlan map
- switchport protected prevents protected ports from talking to other protected ports.
- errdisable recovery... to restore errdisabled ports automagically
- dot1x system-auth-control to enable dot1x, otherwise dot1x is disabled
- storm-control broadcast/multicast/unicast level [percentage] under interface config to enable storm control
- SDM templates alters switch memory allocation. Available templates are access, extended-match, routing and vlan. Enable with 'sdm prefer [mode]'. Require switch reload.
- split horizon needs disabled for PtM hub routers in FR
- For secondary IPs, primary IP must be advertised 1st, split horizon is likely to have effect and can't use passive interface for primary IP
- Distance can be set globally or per route
- Broadcast and non-broadcast elect DR/BDR; hub must be DR
- Use 'sh ip ospf int' to determine network types
- If you can't change network type, use neighbor command.
- 'ip ospf mut ignore' switch setting for ignoring MTU differences
- Stub area = internal and default
- NSSA = Internal, Default and Externals directly entering area
- Totally Stub = interarea only and default
- distribute-list in filters from OSPF DB to routing table
- You can filter between areas - area x filter-list prefix [prefix list]
- dead-interval minimal sets dead timer to 1sec, multiplier is hellos per 1 sec
- With RIP, use neighbor and passive-interface to enable unicast updates only
- 'no validate update-source' to disable source verification, ie; for secondary IPs
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